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It's time to reclaim your
health and vitality!

It's time to LIVE again.

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A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) can tell you so much about your current state of wellness. We, humans, spend a lot of time and money on our health. Whether we use our resources to ultimately tear ourselves down (eating or drinking or participating in things that aren't good for us), or money trying to build ourselves (bodies, brains, and health) back up, we are invested in ourselves... one way or another!

I believe strongly that this relatively inexpensive test can provide information that will be valuable to you in many ways. It's amazing how this simple test provides a snapshot of what your body is working on. It's clear that an HTMA reveals what your mineral levels are, but did you know that it also provides markers to determine the functioning of one's endocrine glands, nervous system, oxidation rate, digestive capability, and more!

Many find it helpful to learn more about biounavailable minerals and toxic metals one's body may be holding on to. This effects dis-ease states and may affect the way you feel.  Often our body holds on to heavy metals as placeholders for preferred minerals that may not be available or able to utilize.



Here to help!

Hi, I'm Carissa! For years I have longed to step into a career that would allow me to serve others - to support and encourage the brave souls who are ready to heal! This path isn't for the faint of heart; commitment to actively make choices aligned with one's healing takes courage and inner strength.


Toxic environments, processed food, and psychological propaganda are rampant. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual traumas have done great harm and have left many feeling disconnected from their own bodies. The barrage of responsibilities that demand our time and resources wear us down, deplete energy stores, and unbalance body chemistry. 

I am eager to help those who are ready to reverse damaged bodies and heal themselves! It would be an honor to walk with you as you take back your health, vitality and sense of well-being!

Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Program Offerings

I believe strongly in the benefits of gaining the information that a hair tissue mineral analysis provides. It's amazing how this simple test provides a snapshot of what your body is working on. It shows us mineral levels, thyroid and adrenal function, nervous system state of being, vitality, which minerals and heavy metals your body is holding on to, and which it is actively processing - all of which can affect the way you feel. I hope you'll give me a chance to show you what this test can show you!

Get Started

Initial Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: $250

This package includes a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) kit and a personalized program based on your results. It also includes a 60-minute consultation to discuss the findings and answer your questions. I look forward to working together to come up with a plan to integrate this information into your personal development program.   

Set the Pace

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Retest: $160

Depending on your initial results, we recommend follow-up testing every 4-6 months. This option provides an updated HTMA and a 30-minute consult session to review your results and make any necessary tweaks to your program.



Check-In & Coaching:

$45 (per 30-min)

For those looking for a little extra support between retests, I am happy to help in any way I can. Whether you have questions about a matter that comes up in your life, want to do a program review, or just chat with someone who cares, I hope to meet your need with this offering.

Winter Scenery
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Located in North Carolina, USA
Working with clients across the globe.

Carissa Wages, MS, MNBP


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